Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

B inggris. Relative Clouses and Conditional Sentences

Relative clauses
Relative Clause adalah bagian dari kalimat (anak kalimat) yang memberi keterangan pada orang atau benda yang mendahuluinya. Istilah Relative Clause sama dengan Adjective Clause. Disebut Adjective Clause karena dia menerangkan benda atau orang yang mendahuluinya. Disebut Relative Clause karena dia menghubungkan (me-relate) benda atau orang tersebut dengan frasa di belakangnya. Relative Clause diawali dengan kata penghubung who, whom, whose, which, that, dengan fungsi sebagai berikut

Who: menerangkan orang sebagai subject
Whom: menerangkan kan orang sebagai object (menggantikan me, you, us, him, her,
them, it)
Whose:menerangkan orang sebagai pemilik (menggantikan my, your, our, his, her, their,
Which: menerangkan benda sebagai subject maupun object
That menerangkan orang atau benda baik sebagai subject maupun object
  • Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
  • Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
  • A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.
  • I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke.
  • I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.
  • Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong!
* There is a relative pronoun whom, which can be used as the object of the relative clause. For example: My science teacher is a person whom I like very much. To many people the word whom now sounds old-fashioned, and it is rarely used in spoken English.
Relative pronouns are associated as follows with their preceding noun: 

Preceding noun
Relative pronoun
a person
who(m)/that, whose
- Do you know the girl who ..
- He was a man that ..
- An orphan is a child whose parents ..
a thing
which†/that, whose
- Do you have a computer which ..
- The oak a tree that ..
- This is a book whose author ..

Note 1: The relative pronoun whose is used in place of the possessive pronoun. It must be followed by a noun. Example: There's a boy in grade 8 whose father is a professional tennis player. (There's a boy in grade 8. His father is a professional tennis player.)
Note 2: The relative pronouns where and when are used with place and time nouns. Examples: FIS is a school where children from more than 50 countries are educated. 2001 was the year when terrorists attacked the Twin Towers in New York.
Some relative clauses are not used to define or identify the preceding noun but to give extra information about it. Here are some 

  • My ESL teacher, who came to Germany in 1986, likes to ride his mountain bike.
  • The heavy rain, which was unusual for the time of year, destroyed most of the plants in my garden.
  • Einstein, who was born in Germany, is famous for his theory of relativity.
  • The boy, whose parents both work as teachers at the school, started a fire in the classroom.
  • My mother's company, which makes mobile phones, is moving soon from Frankfurt to London.
  • In the summer I'm going to visit Italy, where my brother lives.
Note 1: Relative clauses which give extra information, as in the example sentences above, must be separated off by commas.
Note 2: The relative pronoun that cannot be used to introduce an extra-information (non-defining) clause about a person. Wrong: Neil Armstrong, that was born in 1930, was the first man to stand on the moon. Correct: Neil Armstrong, who was born in 1930, was the first man to stand on the moon.

Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence adalah complex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjunction if berupa condition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).
Ada 4 tipe conditional sentence yang biasa digunakan, yaitu: tipe 1, tipe 2, tipe 3, dan tipe 0. Condition pada conditional sentence tipe 1 mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 2 tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 3 tidak mungkin dipenuhi (unreal), sedangkan tipe 0 selalu terwujud karena merupakan scientific fact/kebenaran ilmiah.

Rumus Conditional Sentence

Rumus Umum

Secara umum, rumus kalimat pengandaian ini adalah sebagai berikut.
if + condition, result/consequence
atau tanpa tanda baca koma:
result/consequence + if + condition

Rumus Conditional Sentence berbagai tipe

Rumus Conditional Sentence
if + simple present, simple present
if + simple present, will + bare infinitive
if + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
if + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle

Contoh Conditional Sentence

Berikut contoh conditional sentence pada berbagai tipe sesuai dengan rumus di atas.
Contoh Conditional Sentence
If we burn paper, it becomes ash.
(Jika kita membakar kertas, itu menjadi abu.)
If I meet himI will introduce myself.
(Jika saya bertemu dia, saya akan memperkenalkan diri.)
If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)
If  you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)

Negatif if + condition

Rumus: if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.

Contoh conditional sentence: if…not dan unless:

Dengan menggunakan rumus negatif if, contoh conditional sentence seperti di bawah ini.
  • If the students do not understand, they will raise their hand to ask.
  • Unless the students understand, they will raise their hand to ask.


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